Every year I make a family calendar that highlights our family’s adventures. This helps the whole family, including my 86 year old grandma, know who’s birthday, anniversary, event (my sister is getting married this year) in each month. The month of each person’s birthday is filled with that person’s pictures. It’s such a nice reminder of how fast the year goes and how much, especially the kids, grow!
But what happens when the year is over? The last 3 years I have saved the calendar I have made but it is just in the box, with no memories or things written down other than those pictures. This year, as a family, we have decided to write down memories that we might forget. My son and daughter have been saying some pretty hilarious things lately but am I going to remember these stories when they are in their twenties? These are those moments that I don’t want to forget, so I post on Facebook, sometimes with a video, but is Facebook going to be relevant when they are 20? My students in my classroom say Twitter is where it’s at now,… but I just am having trouble getting into that!
I read a post about putting memories in a jar and then reading them all as a family on New Years Eve. This year, that is our plan. I found this cool little jar at Home Goods and wrote “Good Vibes 2016” on it. I started to fill it with little things I don’t want to forget,… and then, we are going to tape those memories to the family calendar and save it as a scrapbook. As the kids grow up, they can go back through these calendars, see how much they have grown and then see what happened that year! Pretty cool idea, right? We’ll see if we can follow through- here are some pictures of what we have started!
Besides photos, how do you preserve your memories, things kids say, or big events from the past year? I’d love to hear them! Post in the comments below!